Thursday, Jan. 26
16th day of the 2023 Legislative Session
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Press Association provides a daily preview of legislative action.
This preview is made possible with the support of AARP WV, WVU University Relations, and the WV Press Association Foundation.

- EMS Coalition Upper, House Rotunda
- Mine Workers/Black Lung, Upper Senate Rotunda
- Hunger Free Day at the Legislature, Lower Rotunda
- WV Chamber Legislative Reception, Culture Center at 5 pm
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
- SCR 5: US Navy S1 Paul McCue Bridge
- SR 15: Designating January 26, 2023, as Hunger-Free WV Day at Legislature
- Eng. SB 21: Requiring certain documents that contain wage records be considered confidential
- Com. Sub. for SB 202: Increasing terms of Natural Resources Commission members from four to seven years
- Com. Sub. for SB 254: Relating generally to mandatory state inspection of certain motor vehicles
- SB 276: Awarding service weapon of retiring State Fire Marshal
- SB 283: Relating to Military Incentive Program
- Com. Sub. for SB 292: Health Care Sharing Ministries Freedom to Share Act
- Com. Sub. for SB 298: Relating to non-federally declared emergencies and non-states of emergency
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2530: Relating to the extension of the expiration of temporary registration plates from sixty days to ninety days
- Eng. HB 2533: Relating to a permanent windshield placard to be valid for the duration of the applicant’s life
- Com. Sub. for SB 51: Requiring impact statement in certain instances of school closing or consolidation
- Com. Sub. for SB 239: Requiring Commissioner of Bureau for Behavioral Health to engage certain providers and leaders to study homeless demographic
- SB 241: Relating to Patient Brokering Act
- Com. Sub. for SB 243: Requiring substance use disorder inpatient providers to provide transportation to patients
- Com. Sub. for SB 248: Clarifying when excess funds accumulated by boards are to be transferred to General Revenue Fund
- SB 251: Displaying official motto of United States in public schools and institutions of higher education
- Com. Sub. for SB 258: Eliminating ceiling on fair market value of consumer goods and permitting dealer to require security deposit
- Com. Sub. for SB 270: Adding exemption to permit requirement for cremation
- Com. Sub. for SB 271: Modifying approval process requirements for First Responders Honor Board
- Com. Sub. for SB 282: Creating WV Guardian Program
- Com. Sub. for SB 426: Banning use of certain products and platforms deemed unsafe or high risk on government systems
- Com. Sub. for SB 439: Establishing design-build program for DEP
9 a.m.: Government Organization (208W)
- Com. Sub. for SB 249: Amending Real Estate License Act
- SB 240: Requiring state board of examination or registration proceedings to be open to public inspection
- Com. Sub. for SB 294: Clarifying amount of deputy sheriff annual salary increase
- SB 457: Removing certain activities Alcohol Beverage Control Commission licensee is prohibited to permit on private club premises
9 a.m.: Education (451M)
- SB 222: Creating taskforce to consider options for direct funding of adult education learning centers
- SB 306: Establishing Summer Feeding for All Program
- SB 428: Revising requirements of local school improvement councils
1 p.m.: Energy, Industry and Mining (208W)
- Presentation: PJM Transmission Grid
o Asim Z. Haque, VP, State Policy and Member Services, PJM
o Gary A. Jack, Senior Corporate Counsel, FirstEnergy Corp.
o David R. Ball, VP, Energy Delivery Ops., AEP
1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources (451M)
- HB 2029: Repealing the creation of an all-payor claims database
- SB 273: Relating to allocation of child protective workers in counties based upon population of county
- HB 2018: Permitting the managed care case coordinator to attend the multidisciplinary team meeting
- SB 267: Updating law regarding prior authorizations
2 p.m.: Judiciary Subcommittee A – Criminal Law (208W)
- Com. Sub. for SB 49: Establishing criminal offense for being under influence of controlled substance unless specifically prescribed
- Com. Sub. for SB 72: Modifying definition of sexual contact
- Com. Sub. for SB 78: Creating felony offense of aggravated cruelty to animals
- Com. Sub. for SB 120: Requiring registered sex offenders pay annual fee
- Com. Sub. for SB 187: Creating new criminal offenses of sexual contact, intrusion, or abuse of students by school employee
- Com. Sub. for SB 191: Relating to liability for payment of court costs as condition of pretrial diversion agreement
2 p.m.: Judiciary Subcommittee B – Elections (451M)
- SB 50: Requiring one-year residency within district or county to fill vacancy in Legislature
- SB 235: Relating to voting rights of formerly incarcerated individuals
2 p.m.: Judiciary Subcommittee C – Civil Justice and Courts (219M)
- Com. Sub. for SB 229: Limiting liability of landowners when land is used for noncommercial recreational purposes
- Com. Sub. for SB 42: Adjusting interest rate paid in condemnation cases
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- The full Senate Judiciary Committee will not meet on Thursday, January 26, 2023.
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- Budget Presentation: West Virginia Parkways Authority – Jeffrey A. Miller, Executive Director
- Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Transportation – Jimmy Wriston, P.E., Cabinet Secretary
Senate Bills to be Introduced:
- SB 477: Relating to financing municipal policemen’s and firemen’s pension and relief funds (Nelson; Pensions)
- SB 478: Relating to Jumpstart Savings Program (Grady; Finance)
- SB 479: Expanding certain insurance coverages for pregnant women (FN) (Grady; Health and Human Resources then Finance)
- SB 480: Modifying group accident and sickness insurance requirements (Oliverio, Azinger, Barrett, Queen; Banking and Insurance)
- SB 481: Extending sunset provision of Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Program (Roberts, Caputo, Jeffries, Nelson, Smith, Stover; Economic Development)
- SB 482: Modifying number, allocation, and terms of office of certain judges for next general election (Trump; Judiciary then Finance)
- SB 483: Relating to taxation of gambling and lottery winnings (FN) (Barrett; Finance)
- SB 484: Clarifying terms and offense of human smuggling (Rucker; Judiciary)
- SB 485: PFAS Protection Act (FN) (Trump, Smith, Caputo, Oliverio, Jeffries, Plymale, Rucker, Woodrum; Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance)

The House will convene at 11 a.m.
H. B. 2113 – Modifying the criminal penalties imposed on a parent, guardian or custodian for child abuse (Capito) (Regular)
H. B. 2531 – Requiring cooperation between the rail company and the Division of Highways when construction or maintenance activities are conducted by the company (Linville) (Regular)
S. B. 143 – Relating to Adopt-A-Stream Program (Phillips) (Regular) [Government Organization Committee Amendment Pending]
S. B. 231 – Transferring administration of WV Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Matching Funds Program to Department of Economic Development (Regular)
H. B. 2171 – Removing obsolete provisions regarding DOH standards for studded tires and chains (Linville) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2221 – Relating to bankruptcy (Capito) (Regular)
H. B. 2597 – Amending performance evaluations of professional personnel (Ellington) (Regular)
H. B. 2800 – All relating to authorizing legislative rules regarding higher education (Ellington) (Regular)
9 a.m. – Committee on Workforce Development, East Wing Committee Room, 215E
- Consideration of HB 2933, Increase in fines and criminal penalties when an employer fails to maintain employment records of an unauthorized employee.
- Consideration of HB 2779, To make those who fail drug test ineligible for unemployment.
9 a.m. – Committee on Jails and Prisons, Judiciary Committee Room, 410M
- SB 141 – Adding DOC and Rehab employees working at certain institutions to WV Emergency Responders Survivor Benefits Act.
- HB 2548 – Relating to temporary identification cards for released inmates.
- HB 2879 – To provide a pay increase to state correctional workers in West Virginia.
10 a.m. – Committee on Senior, Children and Family Issues, Finance Committee Room, 460M
- H. B. 2538, Relating to foster care.
11 a.m. – The full House will convene in the Chamber
1 p.m. – Committee on Technology and Infrastructure, Education Committee Room, 434M
- House Bill 2691, Authorizing the Division of Highways to promulgate a legislative rule relating to construction and reconstruction of state roads (lied over)
- House Bill 2599, Creating the utility pole rights of way and easement mapping initiative
- House Bill 2878, To grant the Fleet Management Division oversight authority of the state vehicle fleet
- Ms. Susan Pierce, West Virginia State Historic Preservation Office
1 p.m. – Committee on Energy and Manufacturing, Judiciary Committee Room, 410M
- House Bill 2817, Relating to Public Service Commission jurisdiction over alternative fuel for motor vehicles
- House Bill 2870, Correcting a reference relating to siting certificates for certain electric generating facilities
3 p.m. – Committee on Health and Human Resources, East Wing Committee Room, 215E
- HB 2613 – Relating to the administration of anesthetics
- HB 3061 – Relating to updating the authority of the Foster Care Ombudsman
- HB 2710 – Authorizing the Board of Dentistry to promulgate a legislative rule relating to dental recovery networks (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2715 – Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to licensing of physicians and podiatric physicians and disciplinary procedures for applicants, licensees, credential holders (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2716 – Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to licensure, practice requirements, disciplinary and complaint procedures, continuing education, physician assistants (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2717 – Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to collaborative pharmacy practice (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2718 – Authorizing the Board of Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to prohibiting sexual misconduct by health care practitioners (2nd REF JUD)
- HB -2719 Authorizing the Board of Optometry to promulgate a legislative rule relating to optometric telehealth practice (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2720 – Authorizing the Board of Osteopathic Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to osteopathic physician assistants (2nd REF Jud)
- HB 2721 – Authorizing the Board of Pharmacy to promulgate a legislative rule relating to licensure and practice of pharmacy (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2722 – Authorizing the Board of Pharmacy to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Uniform Controlled Substance Act (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2723 – Authorizing the Board of Pharmacy to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Board of Pharmacy rules for registration of pharmacy technicians (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2724 – Authorizing the Board of Pharmacy to promulgate a legislative rule relating to regulations governing pharmacy permits (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2725 – Authorizing the Board of Pharmacy to promulgate a legislative rule relating to inspections (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2726 – Authorizing the Board of Pharmacy to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Donated Drug Repository Program (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2727 – Authorizing the Psychologists to promulgate a legislative rule relating to code of conduct (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2728 – Authorizing the Board of Registered Nurses to promulgate a legislative rule relating to telehealth practice (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2729 – Authorizing the Board of Registered Nurses to promulgate a legislative rule relating to practitioner requirements for accessing the West Virginia Controlled Substance Monitoring Program database (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2730 – Authorizing the Board of Registered Nurses to promulgate a legislative rule relating to fees for services rendered by the board (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2731 – Authorizing the Board of Registered Nurses to promulgate a legislative rule relating to continuing education and competence (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2732 – Authorizing the Board of Registered Nurses to promulgate a legislative rule relating to limited prescriptive authority for nurses in advanced practice (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2733 – Authorizing the Board of Registered Nurses to promulgate a legislative rule relating to advanced practice registered nurse licensure requirements (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2734 – Authorizing the Board of Registered Nurses to promulgate a legislative rule relating to requirements for registration and licensure and conduct constituting professional misconduct (2nd REF JUD)
HB3062. By Del. Linville – Relating to grass roots lobbying campaigns – To the Judiciary
HB3063. By Del. Linville – Relating to requirements for disclosure of donor contributions – To the Judiciary
HB3064. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Skaff [By Request of the Executive] – Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Homeland Security, West Virginia State Police – To Finance
HB3065. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Skaff [By Request of the Executive] – Supplementing appropriations to the Department of Transportation, Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities – Aeronautics Commission – To Finance
HB3066. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Skaff [By Request of the Executive] – Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Department of Education, State Board of Education – State Aid to Schools – To Finance
HB3067. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Skaff [By Request of the Executive] – Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Transportation, Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities – Public Transit – To Finance
HB3068. By Del. Holstein, Statler, Toney, Steele, Dittman, Keaton, Hanna, Clark and Hardy – To provide debt incentives for STEM teachers (FN) – To Education then Finance
HB3069. By Del. Kimble, C. Pritt, Jeffries, Butler, Kirby, Ridenour, Longanacre, Pinson, Mazzocchi, Phillips and McGeehan – Require that all injuries and side effects from vaccines be reported by medical professional to the Bureau for Public Health – To Health and Human Resources
HB3070. By Del. Kirby, E. Pritt, A. Hall, Brooks, Vance, Foggin and Ridenour – Increasing Retirement Benefits for Public Employees (FN) – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
HB3071. By Del. Gearheart, Longanacre, Butler, Householder, Honaker, Brooks, Barnhart, Dean, Smith, Hanna and A. Hall – Requiring the approval of the Legislature and the Governor before additional bonds may be issued by the Parkways Authority – To Technology and Infrastructure then Finance
HB3072. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Skaff [By Request of the Executive] – Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Homeland Security, Division of Administrative Services – To Finance
HB3073. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Skaff [By Request of the Executive] – Supplementing and amending appropriations to Adjutant General – State Militia – To Finance
HB3074. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Skaff [By Request of the Executive] – Supplementing appropriations to the Department of Transportation, Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities – To Finance
HB3075. By Del. Devault – To clarify that municipal B&O taxes shall only apply to the owner of a contract, and not to subcontractors on a project (FN) – To Political Subdivisions then Finance
HB3076. By Del. Howell, Clark, Summers, Ellington, Storch, Westfall, Hornby, Crouse, Dittman, Petitto and Heckert – Relating to hiring of therapists in schools (FN) – To Education then Finance
HB3077. By Del. Tully, Summers, Brooks, Jennings, Longanacre, Foster, Barnhart, Kelly, Hott, Rohrbach and Burkhammer – Relating to making the use of the multi-state real time tracking system permanent – To Health and Human Resources
HB3078. By Del. Summers, Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker), Ellington, Statler, Riley and Kelly – Allow state employees to cash in on certain benefits (FN) – To Finance
HB3079. By Del. Westfall – Relating to modify group accident and sickness insurance requirements – To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
HB3080. By Del. Walker and Griffith – To mandate sharp containers, AED monitors, and first aid kits at WV rest areas – To Health and Human Resources then Finance
HB3081. By Del. Walker – To abolish felony murder charge in West Virginia – To the Judiciary
HB3082. By Del. Hardy, Foster, Ridenour, Hornby, Butler and Keaton – Reducing rates for legal advertisement – To the Judiciary
HB3083. By Del. Foster – Prohibiting political subdivisions from enacting certain ordinances, regulations, local policies, local resolutions, or other legal requirements – To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
HB3084. By Del. Ellington, Statler, Toney, Clark, Mazzocchi, Longanacre and Foggin – Relating to revising provisions related to public charter schools – To Education then Finance
HB3085. By Del. Rohrbach, Shamblin, Ferrell, W. Hall and Howell – Relating to hiring a “therapist” in WVDE – To Education
HB3086. By Del. Young – Men’s Equality Act (FN) – To Health and Human Resources then Finance
HB3087. By Del. Young – Concerning the right of consumers of electricity to interconnect energy storage systems for use on their property – To Energy and Manufacturing
HB3088. By Del. Young – Relating to the Energy Storage Procurement Act (FN) – To Energy and Manufacturing
HB3089. By Del. Young – Tax credits for employers providing child care (FN) – To Finance
HB3090. By Del. Foster – Repeal the code provisions requiring auctioneers to be licensed and for auctions to be conducted by a licensed auctioneer (FN) – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Government Organization
HB3091. By Del. Foster – Requiring counties provide fiscal information for State Auditor’s WV Checkbook website (FN) – To Government Organization
HB3092. By Del. Foster – Relating to in-state food service permit reciprocity – To Health and Human Resources
HB3093. By Del. Howell, Clark, Storch, Westfall, Hornby, Crouse, Dittman, Petitto and Heckert – Creating a tax credit against the corporate net income tax for companies paying moving expenses of employees to West Virginia (FN) – To Economic Development and Tourism then Finance
HB3094. By Del. Howell, Storch, Hornby, Crouse, Dittman, Petitto and Heckert – To create the Remote Worker Home Development Act – To Economic Development and Tourism then Finance
HB3095. By Del. Howell, Westfall, Dean, Jeffries, Fast, Zatezalo, Kelly, Phillips, Hillenbrand, Clark and Storch – Creating a Department of Economic Development grant program relating to agricultural vocational and technical training facilities at West Virginia schools (FN) – To Economic Development and Tourism then Education
HB3096. By Del. Howell, Clark, Westfall, Hornby, Crouse, Dittman, Petitto and Heckert – Creating the Distribution and Manufacturing Center Tax Credit Act (FN) – To Economic Development and Tourism then Finance