Governor Justice’s ‘Babydog’ is the most famous but not the only pet with a Capitol connection
WV Press Release Sharing
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia Governor Jim Justice’s “Babydog” clearly is the most famous dog in the state, but she is not the only pet connected to the State Capitol.
Governor JIm Justice and Babydog.
Numerous elected officials, state employees, lobbyists, association representatives, attorneys and visitors to the State Capitol have their own dogs, cats and other types of pets.
To bring a little whimsy to what can be a busy and often stressful 60-day session, the West Virginia Press Association is inviting anyone involved in the legislative process or working at the Capitol to share a photo of their favorite pet.
WV Press will share photos of the pets online here at and in its daily newsletter: Today’s WVPA News.
To kick off the event, we featured several dogs and each day, we add more.
To have your pet included, email your pet picture to [email protected] and list your name, job, and pet’s name. If your pet doesn’t appear within a day or two, please email [email protected] or call 304-550-0454 as we may have missed it.
This is just for fun and positive energy. If you are a former legislator, retired government employee, or citizen who worked at the Capitol in some capacity, or just a citizen who follows the legislative action, send your pictures.
To our fellow news organizations: If your news organization covers the legislative or carries legislative coverage, send your pictures.
And if you have lost your pet, we are so sorry. You are invited to share a photo.
As you can see, it’s not just dogs: Cats, birds, … ah … even snakes and spiders … are welcome … any pets with a Capitol connection.
New pictures will be added each day. Enjoy.
Deb Fleegle’s 7-year-old chow chow, YAZRegistered nurse Erin Null’s Boston terriers Babe and Piper. Gail Britz‘ seven-year-old English bulldog, Willamena
Photographer Elisabeth Love’s dog, Luna, a six-month-old Saluki.
Delegate Rick Hillenbrand’s yorkie named Krieger (German name meaning warrior) Hillenbrand is a Republican member of the House of Delegates from Hampshire County.
Retired WV Department of Environmental Protection Supervisor with Water and Waste and former Park Superintendent with the WV Division of Natural Resources-State Parks Debbie Keener’s dog, Emmett, who is a 4 1/2-year-old rescue.
Michael Boggs, a retired handyman in Charleston shares his 3-year-old cat, SirCee, who is just called Sir.
Nittany the Pooch, the Hampshire Review’s 13-year-old newshound, is a veteran at sniffing out a good story – or a newsroom snack.
Nittany the Pooch, the Hampshire Review’s 13-year-old newshound. The sassy Weimaraner spends her days in the Romney office, furthering her professional career (snoozing on her orthopedic bed) and keeping workplace morale high as a vital part of the editorial team. Emma Grosspkopf plays with Nittany.
Larry Malone’s Mattie
Matthews Avenue, Charleston, WV, cat, Blackie The Villain.
Retired School Bus Driver Maxine Smith’s cat, Muffin.
USDA retiree Susan Eckard’s dog, LillyWest Virginia House Minority Office Policy Analyst Jennifer McPherson’d dog, Drago
AARP WV Associate State Director for Community Outreach Susan Canfield LeFew’s dogs: Aurora, BeBe, and EllaWV State University Assistant Athletic Director Kelly Masker’s dog, Danny.
Former Delegate Lisa Zukoff’s puppy, Sully, a Great Pyrenees.
Think Kids support specialist Stella Gill’s foster puppy, Maisie
AARP-WV President Jane Marks’ dog, Teddy-B
Hepcatz Design owner Brenda Pinnell’s cat, Lucy Liu
Think Kids support specialist Stella Gill’s dog, Katie.
Wv Secretary of State Director of Elections Brittany Westfall’s dog, Alaska
Karson & Wool Political Strategy Group Partner Patrick Krason’s dog, ButtersWV Legislature Photographer Perry Bennett’s cat, Possum.
West Virginia Manufacturers Association President Rebecca McPhail’s cat, Pearl.
WV Press Assistant Executive Director Betsy Miles’ dog, CodyWV Press Executive Director Don Smith’s cat, Karl. He’s a bad man!
WV Press Assistant Executive Director Betsy Miles’ rooster, Henry.
WV Press Assistant Executive Director Betsy Miles’ dog, Leroy.
WVU Communications Director April Kaull’s dog, Haley, who is 4.5 pounds and doesn’t like the cold.
WVU Reed College of Media’s therapy dog, Omega, who just celebrated a birthday on Saturday.
West Virginia Press Association Executive Director Don Smith’s dog, Boozer.
AARP-WV State Director Gaylene Miller’s dog, Lily.
Fulks and Associates president Carol Fulks’ dog, Bella
Charlie and Megan Roskovensky’s miniature schnauzers, Oskar & Sophie. Charlie is Deputy General Counsel, WV House of Delegates; Megan is Director of Government Relations, WV Health Care Association.
Sarah Linger and Lewis County High School therapy dog Jasper.