The Upper Ohio Valley Camera Club has announced the March competition winners to the theme “Reflection.” The theme category winners were: First place, Andy Tindor; second place, John Hanish; and third place, Lisa Carte. The open category winners were: First place, Andy Tindor; second place, Barb Momyer; and third place, John Hanish. The special effects category winners were: First place, (tie) Michelle Stevens and Barb Momyer; second place, Lisa Carte; and third place, (tie) Deb Snider and Karen Felix. From left are Lisa Carte, Barb Momyer, Michelle Stevens and John Hanish. The Upper Ohio Valley Camera Club welcomes anyone who has an interest in photography whether using a camera or cell phone to attend the meetings. The camera club’s next scheduled meeting will be held on April 18 at 7 p.m. in the lower level social hall at Two Ridges Presbyterian Church, 1085 Canton Road, Wintersville. For information about the camera club, including the monthly photo contests, monthly meetings and field trips, visit the camera club’s Facebook page