West Virginia Northern Community College’s (WVNCC) EMS Program Director, Linda Steele, is one of 32 professionals selected nationwide for the EMS Educator’s Collaborative. Steele will be part of the exclusive group that is tasked with submitting new curriculum recommendations for EMS educators across the country.
The Educator’s Collaborative is sponsored by the National Association of EMS Educators and the National Association of EMS Physicians. The project is a nine-month curriculum development process with monthly structured discussions. Curriculum recommendations will be presented at their national conference this fall.
“I am elated to be selected for this honor because EMS curriculum changes so quickly these new recommendations will help us maintain our high level of education,” commented Steele. “Since I will have access to the latest curriculum and experts from all over the country, this will greatly benefit our program at Northern.”
Steele has been assigned to the group helping to improve mental wellness curriculum. There are also groups looking at airway ventilation, preceptor training, cultural and humanity, and more. The groups will conduct a needs assessment and a gap analysis before presenting recommendations for final curriculum.
“I’m looking forward to working with the mental wellness group because as first responders, often our patients are dealing with mental health challenges,” added Steele.
WVNCC offers short term training courses, which Steele oversees, in EMT as well as paramedic training. For more information on these courses visit https://wvncc.coursestorm.com/