The Friends of the Brooke County Public Libraries will be holding its first Festival of Wreaths on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Brooke County Public Library in the River Room. Silent bids will be accepted for an assortment of donated wreaths. There will be a minimum bid set for each wreath. There will also be a bake sale with a variety of goodies to be purchased. All proceeds will benefit the Brooke County Public Libraries.
Space is still available for wreath donations or items for the bake sale. The wreaths should have a base no larger than 18 inches and can be dropped off at the Wellsburg Library by 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 6. If you are unable to drop off the wreath or baked goods, they can be picked up Monday-Thursday, Dec. 2–5 by calling Linda Amos at 304.527.7277.