The West Virginia Small Business Development Center has named Steve Roberts as a new business coach for the Northern Panhandle.
Roberts has a diverse background of leadership roles in manufacturing, construction, energy, market development, project management, real estate, entrepreneurship, business consulting and workforce development.
Throughout his career, he has had the opportunity to lead on the local, regional, and global levels.
Previous roles have given him the opportunity to work closely with the West Virginia Dept. of Economic Development and many advocacy groups to promote downstream shale gas development in the region.
Roberts serves as the vice-chairman of the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education, the 2022 president of the Weirton Board of Realtors and as a board member of the Ohio River Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
A lifelong resident of the Northern Panhandle, he is dedicated to facilitating economic development and helping improve quality of life in the region.
“We are excited to add Steve Roberts to the network of business coaches serving small businesses and entrepreneurs in the Northern Panhandle,” director Steve Johnson said.
“Steve’s diverse business knowledge and experience will be a great resource to help businesses start, grow and succeed.”
Roberts serves as part of the statewide network of SBDC business coaches.
The WV SBDC assists entrepreneurs and small business owners at every stage of the business lifecycle by providing technical assistance to help clients clarify goals, develop skills, and acquire resources to operate a successful enterprise.