
Pull Up A Chair

By: Hettie Basil Lighttower

Have you heard the term, “Being in the flow”? Well I’m in the flow! “The flow” means that you experience a significant amount of synchronicities. Things just mysteriously match up or are along the lines of the same subject or situation. Clues and signs add up to mean something or bring a certain theme to your life. Here’s an example, last week I wrote about beeswax. It was the first time in my life that I wrote about beeswax. I went home that very day from the office and just after having written about beeswax and bees my daughter greeted me with, “I think there are bees trying to make a nest on our balcony”. So I investigated of course, to find that they are honey bees!!!! And have made a hive IN MY HOUSE!!! Now, this is synchronicity at its finest! And this is the very first time in my life that I have had honey bees to make a nest inside my house! On the very day I wrote about them no less! I have been a home owner for nearly 30 years. You can’t make this stuff up!
You will be glad to know after a lot of calls and texts I have help on the way this weekend to do a “cut out” and they are a special group that comes and safely removes the hive, and all the honey and baby bees. They will be adopted by a local beekeeper. And after this I will probably never write about bees and beeswax again, haha.
But for now, back to beeswax and the hexagonal shape of it. Have you ever marveled about how precise and perfect those little sections are? Those sections are perfect hexagons!! How does a round bee make such straight lines and corners every single time over and over again?? I often have imagined that it might take its front feet and tuck and push then stands back and looks to see if it got it straight. Maybe it uses its stinger as a measuring stick each time to get that exact length and depth. The honeycomb is so meticulously straight and even. How do they do it???!!!
This is going to be hard to believe, but recently it has been discovered that these brilliant engineers use sound waves and sound frequency to shape the liquid wax!! Yes, the movement of their wings puts off a certain sound frequency which causes matter to move into a certain pattern!! Just as we talked about the salt or sugar granules go into a certain pattern according to what music we are playing. It is the same for the sound coming from the bees’ wings that make the soft wax spread out hexagonally! Bees use the hexagon shape because it creates the maximum space with the least amount of wax required within a certain perimeter. In a sense, bees are mathematicians.
Primarily it is 150Hz that bees put off while busy in their hive. This is a universal healing frequency! The sound bees put off may create a little anxiety if you have been stung, are allergic to bees or have a fear of insects in general. However, if you research –bees-150Hz–you will discover quite a few internet sites and YouTube videos explaining how this sound frequency creates natural healing in our body. It has a nickname “the honeybee frequency”. They say beekeepers live longer because they are always tending to the bees and are subjected to this “hum” on a regular basis. There are sound tracks that you can listen to while you sleep of this hum of bees. This allows you to deeply heal as your body is in resonance since your ​subconscious absorbs the sound although you are not awake. It is all very, very interesting.
If you research 150Hz alone, you will discover that it is listed as the DNA repairing frequency. That means it repairs your body on the cellular level. Are you suffering from disease or sickness? Subject yourself to this 150Hz an hour or two a day, or all night while you sleep. Get a bee hive. There is a crazy amount of truth and simple methods to healing just from nature. We humans have complicated things and have sent ourselves into a downward spiral of disbelief, dissonance, and monetary lies. After all, how can healing be free?? How can hanging out with the bees save us? It makes no sense to our materialism brains. We need to get over ourselves and get back to nature.
A special thank you to T.M. who writes: “Thank you so much for your column, I look forward to it every week. I am learning so much from you.” And from W.B. “It’s like you are here sitting right across the table from me and we are just having a conversation. So, comfortable and full of information.” S.F. “The first thing I do is open up the paper to read your column. I used to do that for the obituaries, but now I read them second.” P.W. “It’s been a long time since I had a subscription, and thanks for the sample of your column. I’m looking forward to reading the paper again. How much is a subscription these days?” D.W. “You are really good. I really enjoy reading what you write.” S.F. “Every Friday I practically run down to my mailbox after I see the mailman leave so I can read your column!”
I’m so glad you all are enjoying my pearls of wisdom amongst the silliness. As always, feel free to send in your notions and comments to [email protected]. I will include them in the next available column, as per their arrival relative to the publication deadline of Tuesday by 12 p.m. of the same week. If you wish to be anonymous, let me know. Kindness is contagious~*