Public Notice

Brooke County Circuit Court – Notice of Complaint Case No. 23-C-13


Circuit Court Case No. 23-C-13
Judge Jason A. Cuomo

Michael Allman, et. al.


Paige Elizabeth Rollins, et. al.


Elizabeth Paige Rollins, Bonnie Lee Lukacena, and the unknown spouses, heirs, devisees, legatees, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the aforementioned individuals whose last known address of is unknown, will take notice that on February 15, 2023, a Complaint was filed in the matter of Michael Allman et al. v. Paige Elizabeth Rollins, in the Circuit Court of Brooke County seeking partition and alleging that the above named parties have or may claim to have an interest in four parcels situated in Wellsburg District, Brooke County, West Virginia, two parcels being as Lots 66 and 64 of the Fairground Subdivision and identified as Tax Map W22K, Parcels 104 and 105, and the two other parcels being two lots opposite of Lot 21 on Main Street and identified as Tax Map W27B, Parcels 43 and 44, more particularly described in an Exhibit attached to the complaint in the above captioned case. This property was previously owned by Myrtle I. Rodger, The object of Paintiffs’ complaint is to allot the defendants interests in the real estate described above to the Paintiffs in exchange for the fair market value of their interest in the property. The Defendants named above are required to answer within thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice.

For Michael Allman et al.

By: Robinson & McElwee, PLLC
John Willems (WV Bar #13711)
Attorney for Plaintiff
700 Virginia St. East, Suite 400
Charleston, WV 25301
Tel: (304) 344-5800 ext. 8331
Fax: (304) 344-9566
E-mail: [email protected]

BCR 02/24 – 03/03/23