Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act and the state Air Pollution Control Act requires that all major sources and certain minor sources have a permit to operate which states all requirements (e.g. emission limitations, monitoring requirements, etc.) established by regulations promulgated under the aforementioned programs. The Division of Air Quality (DAQ) has determined that the draft/proposed permit renewal referenced herein meets this requirement.
The DAQ is providing notice to the general public of its preliminary determination to issue an operating permit renewal to the following company for operation of the referenced coil cutting and sheet coating facility for the production of metal can components:
Maple Manufacturing, LLC
Plant ID No.: 009-00027
3010 Birch Dr.
Weirton, WV 26062
This notice solicits comments from the public and affected state(s) concerning the above preliminary determination and provides an opportunity for such parties to review the basis for the proposed approval and the “draft” permit renewal. This notice also solicits comments from the U.S. EPA concerning the same preliminary determination and provides an opportunity for the U.S. EPA to concurrently review the basis for the proposed approval as a “proposed” permit.
All written comments submitted by the public and affected state(s) pursuant to this notice must be received by the DAQ within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice. Under concurrent review, written comments submitted by the U.S. EPA must be received by the DAQ within forty-five (45) days from the date of publication of this notice or from the date the U.S. EPA receives this draft/proposed permit renewal, whichever is later. In the event the 30th/45th day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the comment period will be extended until 5:00 p.m. on the following regularly scheduled business day. The public shall have 135 days from the date of publication of this notice to file petitions for concurrently reviewed permits. Upon notice by the U.S. EPA to the DAQ, prior to the end of the 45 day notice period, the U.S. EPA may choose to hold the 30 day comment period on the draft permit and the 45 day comment period on the proposed permit sequentially. During the public comment period any interested person may submit written comments on the draft permit and, if no public hearing has been scheduled, may request a public hearing. A request for a public hearing shall be in writing and shall state the nature of the issues proposed to be raised in the hearing. The Director of the DAQ shall grant such a request for a hearing if she concludes that a public hearing is appropriate. Any public hearing shall be held in the general area in which the facility is located, after 30 day notice is given. The DAQ will consider all written comments prior to final action on the permit.
Copies of the Permit Application, DAQ Fact Sheet, and Draft/Proposed Permit Renewal may be downloaded from the DAQ’s web site at:
Comments and questions concerning this matter should be addressed to:
WV Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Air Quality
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Contact: Nikki B. Moats
(304) 926-0499 ext.: 41282
[email protected]
BCR 03/31/23