Public Notice

Notice of Change in Rates – Appalachian Power/Wheeling Power Company

CASE NO. 23-0831-E-P
Public utilities
Application to increase Environmental Compliance
Surcharge Rates Currently in Effect


NOTICE is hereby given that Appalachian Power Company and Wheeling Power Company, public utilities, (the Companies) filed on October 20, 2023, with the Public Service Commission of West Virginia, an application to update their Environmental Compliance Surcharge (ECS) rates. If approved, the increased rates will apply to electric service to approximately 462,328 customers in cities, towns, villages, unincorporated municipalities, and rural areas in the counties of Boone, Brooke, Cabell, Clay, Fayette, Greenbrier, Jackson, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, Marshall, Mason, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Monroe, Nicholas, Ohio, Putnam, Raleigh, Roane, Summers, Wayne, Wetzel, and Wyoming.
The proposed increased ECS rates will produce approximately $37.2 million annually in additional revenue, an increase in total revenue of 1.88%. If approved, the average monthly bill for the various classes of customers will be changed as follows:

        ($) INCREASE       (%) INCREASE

Residential $2.84 1.68%
Commercial $7.61 1.81%
Industrial $4,795.68 1.94%
Special Contract* $16,213.55 3.21%
Other $0.03 0.18%

*Excludes Special Contract customers that are billed standard tariff rates

The increases shown are based on averages of all customers in the indicated class. Each class may receive an increase or decrease greater or less than stated here. Individual customers may receive increases that are greater or less than average. Furthermore, the requested rates and charges are only a proposal and are subject to change (increases or decreases) by the Public Service Commission in its review of this application. By Order issued November 22, 2023, the Commission suspended the January 1, 2024 proposed effective date of the ECS rate increase, and any increase in rates and charges will not become effective until authorized and approved by the Commission. The Commission has adopted the following procedural schedule:

Deadline for intervention 30 days from publication of notice

Deadline for discovery requests 4:00 p.m. Monday, January 8, 2024

Deadline for discovery responses
and objections 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Staff and intervenor direct testimony 4:00 p.m. Thursday, February 1, 2024

Rebuttal testimony from all parties 4:00 p.m. Thursday, February 15, 2024

Agreed order of witnesses 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Public Comment Hearing (virtual 5:00 p.m. February 29, 2024, in the Howard M.
and in person) Instructions on Cunningham Hearing Room, Public Service
how to participate virtually will be in Commission, 201 Brooks St., Charleston, WV
a future press release and on the PSC website

Evidentiary Hearing 9:30 a.m. Thursday, February 29, 2024, in the
The Commission may cancel the Howard M. Cunningham Hearing Room, Public
evidentiary hearing for good cause Service Commission, 201 Brooks St.,
shown. Interested persons should Charleston, WV
monitor the Commission webdocket.

Anyone desiring to protest should file a written or electronic protest at any time. Anyone desiring to intervene should file a written petition to intervene within thirty days, unless otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely intervene can affect your right to participate in future proceedings, Requests to intervene must comply with the Commission rules on intervention. All protests or requests to intervene should briefly state the reason for the protest or intervention and be addressed to Executive Secretary, Public Service Commission of West Virginia, P. 0. Box 812, 201 Brooks St., Charleston, West Virginia 25323. Protests may be filed on line through the Commission website using the “Submit a Comment” link or may be mailed or hand-delivered to the Executive Secretary at the address above.
A copy of the proposed rates is available on the Commission website and may be viewed at the office of the Executive Secretary of the Public Service Commission at 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia.


BCR 12/15/23