Dear Editor,
The Salvation Army of Brooke County wishes to thank and commend the many people who so very generously donated to this year’s Angel Tree Project and Kettle Campaign.
For so many years Angel Trees, Red Kettles and Bell Ringers have been an important and symbolic part of the Christmas season helping the Salvation Army provide toys and food for needy families.
This year, the many people who adopted Angels in Brooke County were more than generous in their selection and amount of toys and clothes for the children.
The Salvation Army is the conduit between those who give anonymously and those who receive.
Because so many people opened their hearts to purchase toys and clothes for the children, this will be a happy Christmas for the many boys and girls who otherwise might not have had such a wonderful day.
Volunteer members of the Salvation Army of Brooke County Advisory Council began collecting and filling Angel Tree donations in early-December.
As the Angel donations were collected and the amount of toys compiled for each child, they were overwhelmed by the generosity of the givers.
It is safe to say that this will be one of the best Christmases for the children and one of the most heartwarming times of filling the Christmas bags by the members of the Advisory Council.
Members of the Salvation Army of Brooke County Advisory Council wish to thank those who opened their hearts to an Angel and made this Christmas a special one for the children.
“Doing the Most Good,” is the marching orders for the Salvation Army.
The people of Brooke County certainly did their part this year in helping the Salvation Army do the most good.
A very special Thank You must go to the many businesses and civic and service groups in Follansbee, Wellsburg and Bethany who donated time and space for the Angel Tree Project.
Thank You Brooke County. Know that your generosity made children smile this Christmas.
Capt. Gene Hunt
Corps Officer
Brooke-Hancock Salvation Army