CASE NO. 24-0413-E-ENEC
Petition to initiate the annual review and to update
the ENEC rates currently in effect.
On April 30, 2024, Appalachian Power Company and Wheeling Power Company (jointly the Companies) filed their 2024 petition to initiate the annual review and update of Expanded Net energy Cost (ENEC) rates. The Companies are seeking net changes in ENEC rates effective September 1, 2024, comprised of an approximate $1.9 million decrease for residential customers and an approximate $22.3 million increase for other classes of customers, or a new overall increase of $20.4 million over annual revenues generated by ENEC rates, which include the ENEC under-recovery deferral rate increment previously approved by the Commission to begin September 1, 2024. The net $20.4 million requested increase equals an approximate 1.13% overall increase in total revenues.
The impact on an average monthly bill by customer category is as follows:
Residential ($0.39) (0.23%)
Commercial $6.09 1.40%
Industrial $7,061,68 2.66%
Special Contract (1) $24,053.11 4.37%
Other $0.03 0.17%
(1) Excludes Special Contract customers who are billed standard tariff rates
The increases shown are based on averages of all customers in the indicated class. Each class may receive an increase or decrease greater or less than stated here. Individual customers may receive increases that are greater or less than average. Furthermore, the requested rates and charges are only a proposal and are subject to change (increases or decreases) by the Public Service Commission in its review of this filing. Any increase in rates and charges will not become effective until authorized and approved by the Commission. (If a hearing is scheduled, notice will be given of the time and place of hearing.)
The Public Service Commission will conduct a public comment hearing in this matter on August 12, 2024, beginning at 530 p.m. The public comment hearing will be held virtually, allowing for interested persons to make a comment telephonically, through the Microsoft Teams application from the internet, or inperson at the Commission headquarters. Interested persons intending to make a virtual public comment hearing should register with the Commission by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 8, 2024. Registration may be made by any of the following methods:
(1) Through the Microsoft Teams meeting link located on the Commission’s
website, under the “PSC Hot Tpics” section
located at the top og the homepage;
(2) By calling 304-340-0836 (Karen Hall) or 304-340-0820 (Andrew
Gallagher); or
(3) By emailing [email protected] or [email protected]
The link for the Microsoft Teams meeting will also be in a future press release from the Commission. Interested persons wishing to comment in-person at the public comment hearing should attend and sign up to speak at 5:00 p.m. at the Public Service Commission, Howard M. Cunningham Hearing Room, 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
As an alternative to speaking at the public comment hearing virtually or in person, individuals or entities interested in providing written comments regarding this case should submit their comments by mail or hand delivery to Executive Secretary, P. 0. Box 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323 or online at by clicking on “Submit A Comment” in the left column and following the directions provided. All written comments should be marked with Case No. 24-0413-E-ENEC.
The Commission will conduct an evidentiary hearing at 9:00a.m. on August 12, 2024, in the Howard M. Cunningham Hearing Room, Public Service Commission Building, 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia. Interested persons should monitor the Commission’s web docket and website because the public comment or evidentiary hearing may be cancelled for good cause.
Anyone desiring to protest or intervene should file a written protest or notice of intervention within thirty days of the date of this Notice, unless otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely protest or intervene can affect your rights to protest any rate increases or to participate in future proceedings.
All protests or requests to intervene should briefly state the reason for the protest or intervention. Requests to intervene must comply with the Commission’s rule on intervention set forth in the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. All interventions may be mailed and be addressed to Executive Secretary, Public Service Commission of West Virginia, P. O. Box 812, 201 Brooks St., Charleston, West Virginia 25323, or hand-delivered. Protests may be filed online through the Commission website using the “Submit a Comment” link or may be mailed or hand-delivered to the Executive Secretary at the address above.
A complete copy of the proposed rates, as well as a representative of the Companies to provide any information requested concerning it, is available to all customers, prospective customers, or their agents at any of the offices of the Companies.
A copy of the proposed rates is available for public inspection at the office of the Executive Secretary of the Public Service Commission at 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
BCR 07/19/24