Area Events, News

Free Strength Training Workout For Older Adults

The Brooke County Public Library is offering Geri-Fit, a 45-minute evidence-based strength training exercise class for older adults. Most of the bodybuilding exercises are performed seated in chairs with a set of light dumbbell weights. As participants become stronger, they can advance to using heavier dumbbells to challenge themselves even more.
There’s no dancing, aerobics or choreography to learn and you never get on the floor. Enrollment in open to men and women of all ages and fitness levels… simply work at your own pace!
Geri-Fit Lifestyle Change Program helps increase muscular strength, improve balance and coordination, boost motor skills and reaction time, enhance flexibility and gait, lessen arthritic conditions and manage Chronic disease.
Geri-Fit video fitness classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10–10:45 a.m. at the Follansbee Library, located at 844 Main Street, Follansbee, and on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30–9:15 the Brooke County Public Library, located at 945 Main Street, Wellsburg. You will need to bring a set of two or three-pound dumbbells, a stretch band and water to drink. Class size is limited and advance registration is required. To register, call Kim Harless, Director of Educational Programs, at the Brooke County Public Library at 304.737.1551 ext. 106.