Public Notice

Notice to Contractors – WV DOH

WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONDivision of HighwaysNOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received electronically by the West Virginia Department of Transportation Division of Highways through the Bid Express Bidding Service ( and by sealed proposals (only when prequalification is waived) being received at its office in Building 5, Room 843,[Read More…]

Notice of Filing and Hearing

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON CASE NO. 22-1059-E-IDS APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY and WHEELING POWER COMPANY,public utilities.Application for Approval of a Written Plan for the Construction of Utility Infrastructure at two West Virginia Business Ready Sites and for Associated Cost Recovery Pursuant to W. Va. CodeĀ§ 24-2-1n NOTICE OF[Read More…]

Bids – WVDNR

PUBLIC NOTICE Announcing the ACCEPTANCE OF COMPETITIVE BIDS by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources for the right and privilege to lease and produce the following oil and gas resources owned by the State of West Virginia:Oil and Gas177.241 acres (6 tracts), more or lessPart of Castlemans Run Lake[Read More…]

Waiver of Final Settlement – Sanford Estate

LEGAL NOTICE I have before me the WAIVER of FINAL SETTLEMENT of HARRY ESTIL SANFORD, Executor of the ESTATE of ELLEN B. SANFORD, deceased. Given under my hand this 12th day of January, 2023. Aaron Caviani, Esq.,Fiduciary Commissioner for Brooke County BCR 01/20 – 01/27/23

Waiver of Final Settlement – Smith Estate

LEGAL NOTICE I have before me the WAIVER of FINAL SETTLEMENT of KAREN SMITH, Executor of the ESTATE of DEAN SMITH, deceased. Given under my hand this 12th day of January, 2023. Aaron Caviani, Esq.Fiduciary Commissioner for Brooke County BCR 01/20 – 01/27/23

Petition for Guardianship – Knight

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF BROOKE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA Case No. CC-05-2022-CIG-1Judge Michael J. Olejasz In the Matter of:Devin Wynn Knight LEGAL NOTICE IN RE: Petition for Guardianship Over Devil Wynn Knight, Minor Circuit Court of Brooke County, WV; Case No. CC-05-2022-CIG-1 Notice is hereby given that Diane Lynn Steele[Read More…]

City of Wellsburg – LOI for City Clerk

PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Wellsburg is accepting letters of interest to fill the vacated seat for City Clerk. interested person must live in the city limits of Wellsburg and be registered to vote in the City of Wellsburg. Person will complete the unexpired term of a 4 year term[Read More…]

Termination of Parental/Custodial Rights

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF BROOKE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA Case No. CC-05-2022-JA-24Case No. CC-05-2022-JA-25Case No. CC-05-2022-JA-26Case No. CC-05-2022-JA-27 IN THE INTEREST OF:A. G., a child born 12/22/2015B. G., a child born 5/19/2017B. G., a child born 9/14/2019A. M., a child born 2/27/2022 Adult Respondent(s): CHELSEA METZJUSTIN GODDARD ORDER OF PUBLICATION[Read More…]

First and Final Accounting – Estate of Kathryn Rohal

LEGAL NOTICE I have before me the FIRST and FINAL ACCOUNTING of PETE ROBERT ROHAL, Executor of the ESTATE of KATHRYN ROHAL, deceased. Given under my hand this 9th day of January, 2023. Aaon Caviani, Esq.Fiduciary Commissioner for Brooke County BCR 01/13 – 01/20/23

Bid Advertisement – BCBOE

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids will be received at the office of the Board of Education of the County of Brooke, Wellsburg, West Virginia, for the following: SOUND SYSTEM FOR THE AUDITORIUM AT BROOKE HIGH SCHOOL Bidders may obtain specifications from the office of the Deputy Superintendent at 1201 Pleasant Avenue,[Read More…]