WILLIAM “BILL” EDWARD WHEAT, 52, of Wellsburg, WV, passed suddenly away on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at Weirton Medical Center ER. Bill was born on November 3, 1970 in Wheeling, WV. He was the son of the late Cynthia Wheat. Bill worked for 25 years as a Deck Hand on the Tow Boats. He was a member of the Beech Bottom Community Christian Church, Wellsburg Moose Lodge, Bethany Masonic Lodge #69 affiliated with the Wellsburg Masonic Lodge #2 as a Mason and Order of Eastern Star Bethany #64 now affiliated with Wellsburg #23 as Past Patron. Many will remember Bill for his love of fishing, especially in with Big Fish in Florida, playing Golf for numerous leagues and cooking on the grill and smoking food; but most of all, for his care of his sister-in-law, Sharon through assisting with physical therapy at the nursing home and visiting every day for encouragement calling her his sweet cupcake even furthermore always attracting seniors and children because of his soft caring side that he never liked to show. Bill with the tough guy that was truly a teddy bear. In addition to his mother, Bill was preceded in death by his step father, Harry Rockwell, maternal grandparents, Russell J Wheat and Mary K (Nicholson) Wheat. Bill is survived by his wife of five years and companion for 12 years, Carrie (Cronin) Wheat; two children: Donald “Beaner” Mount and his wife, Kellie and Chris Wheat; four grandchildren: Olivia, Shellie, Donald “Littleman” and Jazzmyn; two siblings: Melissa Stickles and her husband, Terry and Jimmy Rockwell; two nephews, Kyle and Malcolm; a niece, Cindy; an aunt, Becky Stewart and her husband, Gary; an uncle, John Wheat and his wife, Rosie; and numerous friends including his buddy, Joe Haas, church family, masons and members of the Eastern Star. Family and friends will be received on Saturday, January 21, 2023 from 2 p.m. until the time of the memorial service at 5 p.m., at the Chambers Funeral Home, Wellsburg, with Minister Dan Harry, officiating. In addition to the memorial service, there will be a Moose Lodge Service (pending time) and an Order of Eastern Star Service at 4:30 p.m. Bill continued even after death to give to others through the act of Organ and Tissue Donation through the Center for Organ Recovery and Education (CORE). His final wish his final deed. Condolences, photos and stories may be made at www.chambersandjames.com.