
Bethany College Honored for Leadership in Parkinson’s Disease Advocacy

Bethany College alumnus George Manahan ‘83 has been recognized for his exceptional contributions to the Parkinson’s disease community and his pivotal role in recent legislative advancements. Manahan, head of the Charleston Parkinson’s Support Group, has been a beacon of hope and action since his diagnosis with Parkinson’s disease 14 years ago .George Manahan in front of White House
After his diagnosis, Manahan discovered a lack of services for people with Parkinson’s in the Charleston, W.Va. area. Determined to connect with others and raise awareness, he founded the Fox Trot, a 5K walk and run event that has raised over $600,000 for the Michael J. Fox Foundation in its 11 years.
Under Manahan’s leadership, the Charleston Parkinson’s Support Group has expanded its services significantly, now offering weekly exercise classes and monthly support groups, along with a statewide symposium to support families dealing with Parkinson’s disease.
Manahan’s advocacy efforts have also extended to the legislative arena. Two years ago, he helped pass a bill in the West Virginia Legislature establishing a statewide Parkinson’s registry, which is expected to be operational by the end of this year. This registry will help identify the number of people with Parkinson’s disease and where they live, highlighting gaps in service.
“It’s an exciting time to be a part of the Parkinson’s community. With the discovery of a new biomarker and passage of The National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act, there is a great deal of hope that we may be on the verge of significant advances in the treatment of the disease,” says Manahan.
George Manahan with Senator Capito at eventRecently, Manahan joined U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), representatives from the Michael J. Fox Foundation, and members of the West Virginia Parkinson’s Support Network to celebrate the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act becoming law. This landmark legislation is the first-ever dedicated solely to addressing and curing Parkinson’s disease. In the creation of a national advisory council, the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act aims to reduce the financial impact of the disease on patients by creating a national advisory council to ensure better coordination among federal entities and programs. His initiatives were recognized by The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s 2022 Hero of Advocacy Award.
Manahan’s efforts have significantly impacted the Parkinson’s community both locally and nationally. With his dedication and leadership, there is renewed hope for advancements in the treatment and ultimate cure of Parkinson’s disease.