CAROL ANN (VINCENT) STOKES, 64, of Weirton, WV, passed away on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at Weirton Medical Center. Carol was born on December 22, 1959 in Steubenville, OH. She was the daughter of the late Richard O. Waugh and Athalia Vincent. Carol worked as a Home Health Aid with the Brooke County Senior Center. She was an avid Pittsburgh Steelers and Penguins fan. In addition to her parents, Carol was preceded in death by two brothers, Joseph Vincent and John Vincent and three sisters, Bonnie J. (Vincent) Waugh, Ellen Vincent and Baby Girl Vincent. Carol is survived by her daughter, Christina J. Stokes of Columbus, OH; a sister, Mr. and Mrs. David Kuchinski of Follansbee, WV; and numerous nieces and nephews. The James Funeral Home of Follansbee was honored and privileged to assist the family with private arrangements. Condolences, photos and stories may be viewed or added at