PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Follansbee will hold a decommissioned vehicle and equipment Sale Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., at the City of Follansbee City Garage, 687 River Road, Follansbee, WV 26037. The sale will be held rain or shine.Lots are sold “AS IS”.It is the buyer’s responsibility[Read More…]
Author: Brooke Review
City of Follansbee – Bid Advertisement
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The City of Follansbee is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of a new or used pickup truck with the following specifications:Specifications: F250 or F350, 4WD, Tow Package, 2 Door, 8Ft BedUsed truck must be in excellent condition for consideration.All sealed bids should be mailed to the[Read More…]
Brooke County Commission Monthly Estate Publication
BROOKE COUNTY COMMISSION NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND BENEFICIARIES The administration of the estates of the following deceased is pending in the Clerk of the County Commission of Brooke County, 201 Courthouse Square, Wellsburg, WV 26070. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal[Read More…]
WV DOH Notice to Contractors
WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONDivision of HighwaysNOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received electronically by the West Virginia Department of Transportation Division of Highways through the Bid Express Bidding Service ( and by sealed proposals (only when prequalification is waived) being received at its office in Building 5, Room 843,[Read More…]
WVU Medicine Family Welcomes Weirton Medical Center
Officials from the West Virginia University Health System traveled to the Northern Panhandle Monday to welcome Weirton Medical Center into the WVU Medicine family.WMC became a full member of the system on Jan. 1. WVU Medicine and Weirton Medical Center leadershipraised the WVU Medicine flag on the hospital’s campus.“New Year’s Day marked[Read More…]
AARP WV Community Challenge Grant Program Applications Now Open
AARP West Virginia has invited community organizations and local government across the state to apply for AARP’s 2025 Community Challenge grant program.The grant program, now in its ninth year, is part of AARP’s nationwide Livable Communities initiative, which supports the efforts of cities, towns, neighborhoods and rural areas to become great[Read More…]
Budget Planning
By: Charlotte R. Lane, West Virginia PSC Chairman I would like to suggest a way today to help you pay utility bills. Planning how to stretch your dollars might not be exciting, but it makes loads of sense.When I plan how I’m going to spend my money, I eliminate as[Read More…]
SMART529 Essay Contest Launches
State Treasurer Larry Pack has launched the statewide SMART529 “When I Grow Up” student and teacher essay contest.“As a parent and a grandparent, I know how important it is to invest in our children because they are the future and our legacy,” Pack said.“That’s why we are here today –[Read More…]
Historic Preservation Development Grant Applications Open
Applications are now being accepted for matching (50-50) historic preservation Development Grants through the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) of the Department of Arts, Culture and History.Eligible projects include the restoration, rehabilitation or archaeological development of historic sites listed in the National Register of Historic Places.Applications must be submitted through[Read More…]
Pull Up A Chair
By: Hettie Basil Lighttower Last time we talked, we enjoyed a few great ideas for healthy sweet treats. I have collected a few more of them, but I’d like to share a few non-sweet ones with you today. We can switch around our taste buds can’t we?Did you know that[Read More…]