
At the WV Legislature: Senate Workforce Committee hears Senator Roberts presentation on improving workforce participation

WV Press News Sharing CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia Senate Workforce Committee Chairman Senator Rollan Roberts, R-Raleigh, presented his program today during the committee meeting: “An Innovative approach to enhancing the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in WV.” Roberts said West Virginia is failing in helping its retirees, senior citizens and[Read More…]

Adjudication/Disposition Hearing Notice

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF BROOKE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA Case No. CC-05-2022-JA-29 IN RE: T.S.,a child born on August 2, 2021 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA,ex rel.WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES,Petitioner, v. DESIRAE SHEDLOCK, Biological Mother,andJOHN DOE, Unknown father,Respondents. ORDER OF PUBLICATION TO: JOHN DOE, unknown biological father or[Read More…]